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Database Schema



Column NameData TypeDescription
idintegerUnique identifier for the template
titlecharacter varyingTitle of the notification template
keycharacter varyingKey identifier for the template
statuscharacter varyingStatus of the template (e.g., active, inactive)
createdByuuidID of the user who created the template
updatedByuuidID of the user who last updated the template
contextcharacter varyingContext or purpose of the template
replacementTagsjsonbJSON data containing replacement tags for dynamic content in the template
createdOntimestampTimestamp for when the template was created
updatedOntimestampTimestamp for when the template was last updated


Column NameData TypeDescription
iduuidUnique identifier for the configuration
languagecharacter varyingLanguage code for localization of the template
subjectcharacter varyingSubject line of the notification email/SMS
bodycharacter varyingBody/content of the notification email/SMS
createdOntimestampTimestamp for when the configuration was created
updatedOntimestampTimestamp for when the configuration was last updated
statuscharacter varyingStatus of the configuration (e.g., active, inactive)
template_idintegerForeign key referencing the NotificationTemplates table
typecharacter varyingType of configuration (e.g., email, SMS)
createdByuuidID of the user who created the configuration
updatedByuuidID of the user who last updated the configuration

Notification DB


Column NameData TypeDescription
iduuidUnique identifier (Primary Key)
statusbooleanStatus of the notification
createdOntimestamp with time zoneTimestamp when the record was created
contextcharacter varying(255)Context of the notification
actioncharacter varying(255)Action associated with the notification
subjectcharacter varying(255)Subject of the notification
bodycharacter varying(255)Body content of the notification
typecharacter varying(255)Type of notification
recipientcharacter varying(255)Recipient of the notification
errorcharacter varying(255)Error message, if any
