todo_id | uuid | Unique identifier for each todo task. |
asset_id | integer | ID of the related asset (optional). |
ordering | integer | Defines the order of tasks (defaults to 1). |
state | state | Current state of the todo (custom enum type). |
sender_msg | character varying | Message sent by the assigner to the assignee. |
context_id | uuid | ID representing the context related to the task. |
context | context | Context of the task (custom enum type). |
assigned_by | uuid | User ID of the person assigning the task. |
assigned_to | uuid | User ID of the person to whom the task is assigned. |
start_date | timestamp with time zone | When the task should start. |
due_date | timestamp with time zone | Deadline by which the task should be completed. |
status | todo_status | Current status of the task (incomplete by default). |
title | character varying | Title or summary of the task. |
type | character varying | Type of task, describing its nature (e.g., assign). |
created_by | uuid | User ID of the task creator. |
updated_by | uuid | User ID of the person who last updated the task. |
created_at | timestamp with time zone | When the task was created. |
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | Last update timestamp of the task. |
ideal_time | time without time zone | Ideal time expected for task completion. |
spent_time | time without time zone | Actual time spent on the task. |
completion_date | timestamp with time zone | When the task was marked as completed (if applicable). |
action_data | jsonb | Additional data related to the task in JSON format. |