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Database Schema



Column NameData TypeDescription
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant associated with the record
paramsjsonbJSON data containing additional parameters related to the record
programImagesjsonbJSON data containing information about program images
nametextName or title associated with the record
domaintextDomain associated with the record
statustextShows status of tenant
descriptiontextDescription providing details about the record
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
startDatedateThe start date of the record or event
endDatedateThe end date of the record or event
iduuidUnique identifier for the record
isActivebooleanIndicates whether the record is currently active (True/False)
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant associated with this record
sessioncharacter varyingSession identifier or related session data
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
attendanceCaptureImagebooleanIndicates if an attendance capture image exists (True/False)
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant associated with this record
cohortIduuidUnique identifier for the cohort associated with this record
programIdcharacter varyingIdentifier for the program associated with this record
statuscharacter varyingStatus of the record, such as active, completed, etc.
parentIdcharacter varyingIdentifier for the parent record, if applicable
namecharacter varyingName associated with this record or entity
typecharacter varyingType of the record or entity, such as "student", "teacher", etc.
imagecharacter varyingPath or URL to an associated image
referenceIdcharacter varyingExternal reference identifier related to this record
metadatacharacter varyingAdditional metadata related to the record (key-value pairs)
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
cohortAcademicYearIduuidUnique identifier for the cohort academic year
academicYearIduuidUnique identifier for the academic year
cohortIduuidUnique identifier for the cohort associated with this record
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
cohortAcademicYearIduuidUnique identifier for the cohort academic year
cohortIduuidUnique identifier for the cohort
userIduuidUnique identifier for the user associated with the cohort
statusUSER-DEFINEDThe status of the cohort membership (user-defined)
cohortMembershipIduuidUnique identifier for the cohort membership record
statusReasontextReason or description explaining the current status of the cohort membership
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
fieldValuesIduuidUnique identifier for the field values record
itemIduuidUnique identifier for the item associated with the field values
fieldIduuidUnique identifier for the field associated with the field values
valuecharacter varyingThe value associated with the field, stored as a variable-length character string
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
fieldIduuidUnique identifier for the field
requiredbooleanIndicates whether the field is required or not
orderingintegerDefines the order of the field in a form or list
onlyUseInSubformbooleanIndicates if the field is only used in a subform
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant
contextIduuidUnique identifier for the context associated with the field
fieldParamsjsonbJSON data containing additional parameters for the field
fieldAttributesjsonJSON data containing attributes related to the field
sourceDetailsjsonbJSON data providing details of the source associated with the field
maxLengthbigintMaximum length allowed for the field's value
minLengthbigintMinimum length required for the field's value
metadatacharacter varyingAdditional metadata information associated with the field
accesscharacter varyingAccess level or permissions associated with the field
rendercharacter varyingSpecifies how the field should be rendered or displayed
contextcharacter varyingContextual information for the field, stored as a string
groupIdcharacter varyingIdentifier for the group that the field belongs to
namecharacter varyingName of the field
labelcharacter varyingLabel or display name for the field
defaultValuecharacter varyingDefault value for the field
typecharacter varyingType of the field (e.g., text, number, etc.)
descriptiontextDetailed description of the field's purpose or function
statetextCurrent state of the field (e.g., active, inactive)
contextTypecharacter varyingType of context the field is associated with
dependsOncharacter varyingIndicates dependencies or relationships with other fields
assetIdcharacter varyingIdentifier for the asset related to the field
notecharacter varyingAdditional notes or comments regarding the field
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
privilegeIduuidUnique identifier for the associated privilege
namecharacter varyingName associated with the record
codecharacter varyingCode associated with the record, typically for reference purposes
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
rolePrivilegesIduuidUnique identifier for the role privilege
roleIduuidUnique identifier for the role associated with the privilege
privilegeIduuidUnique identifier for the privilege associated with the role
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant associated with the record
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
roleIduuidUnique identifier for the role associated with the record
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant associated with the record
namecharacter varyingName or title associated with the record
codecharacter varyingCode or identifier for the record
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
userRolesIduuidUnique identifier for the user role association
userIduuidUnique identifier for the user associated with the role
roleIduuidUnique identifier for the role associated with the user
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant associated with the user role
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
IduuidUnique identifier for the record
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant associated with the record
userIduuidUnique identifier for the user associated with the record
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
statusUSER-DEFINEDUser-defined status value associated with the record
temporaryPasswordbooleanFlag indicating whether the user has a temporary password
userIduuidUnique identifier for the user associated with the record
mobilecharacter varyingMobile phone number associated with the user
encryptedMobilecharacter varyingEncrypted mobile phone number of the user
dobcharacter varyingDate of birth of the user
encryptedDobcharacter varyingEncrypted date of birth of the user
districtcharacter varyingDistrict associated with the user
statecharacter varyingState associated with the user
reasoncharacter varyingReason associated with the user
deviceIdcharacter varyingIdentifier for the user's device
usernamecharacter varyingUsername associated with the user
namecharacter varyingFull name of the user
emailcharacter varyingEmail address of the user
addresstextAddress associated with the user
pincodecharacter varyingPincode (postal code) associated with the user
encryptedEmailcharacter varyingEncrypted email address of the user
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record


Column NameData TypeDescription
formiduuidUnique identifier for the form record
tenantIduuidUnique identifier for the tenant associated with the form
fieldsjsonbJSON data containing the fields associated with the form
titlecharacter varyingTitle of the form
contextcharacter varyingContext or description related to the form
contextTypecharacter varyingType of context for the form (e.g., textual, image, etc.)
createdAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was created
updatedAttimestamp with time zoneTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated
createdByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that created the record
updatedByuuidUnique identifier for the user or system that last updated the record